Wednesday, January 15, 2025 - Due to road conditions, all classes in the: Westisle, Three Oaks, Kensington, Kinkora, Bluefield and Charlottetown families of schools are on a one-hour delay. All other schools will proceed on their normal schedule.
Welcome to Kindergarten Sessions
The Welcome to Kindergarten Program is designed for parents/caregivers and their children who will be entering kindergarten in September. All thirty-seven Public School Branch schools with Kindergarten organize a Welcome to Kindergarten Event for their incoming students and direct families to a wealth of online resources produced by The Learning Partnership. Schools are providing a Welcome to Kindergarten experience that will be meaningful to parents and students while following the current public health guidelines. The specifics of event will be communicated to families by your child’s school. At the event families will receive early literacy resources and meet school staff. Strategies for how to use these resources with their child at home will be shared. The goal of Welcome to Kindergarten is to provide pre-school children with the resources and experiences to begin their formal education with a foundation of literacy nurtured in the home.
The dates and times for this year’s Welcome to Kindergarten sessions are outlined below. For more information on individual schools in the Public Schools Branch, visit the School Information page.