Wednesday, January 15, 2025 - Due to road conditions, all classes in the: Westisle, Three Oaks, Kensington, Kinkora, Bluefield and Charlottetown families of schools are on a one-hour delay. All other schools will proceed on their normal schedule.
Mobile Device Use
PSB Mobile Device Procedure
The Department of Education and Early Years recently updated the Minister’s Directive, Responsible Use of Communication and Information Technology. This directive provides guidance on student use of mobile devices, such as cell phones, in schools. In response, the Public Schools Branch has developed draft procedures to help schools effectively implement the updated directive.
Download The Draft Procedure (PDF)
The draft procedures are currently in effect and will be revisited after receiving feedback to assess their effectiveness.
To create a focused and distraction-free learning environment, at the request of the Department of Education and Early Years, the Public Schools Branch has introduced rules restricting the use of personally owned mobile devices during the school day. This applies to all and is designed to support academic success and promote responsible use of technology.
Many Public Schools Branch schools already have well-established rules around mobile devices which should continue to be followed.
Grade-Level Specific Guidelines
Students in Grades K-6
Mobile devices are not permitted during school hours and must be turned off or silenced. Students are required to turn off and store their devices out of sight and silenced upon arrival at school. Devices may only be used with educator permission for specific educational activities, medical purposes, or in support of special education needs.
Students in Grades 7-12
Mobile devices are not permitted during instructional time and must be turned off or silenced and stored out of sight. Students may use their devices before and after school, during lunch, and between classes. Devices may only be used with educator permission for educational activities, medical purposes, or in support of special education needs.
Result of Misuse
Students are responsible for their personal mobile devices, how they use them and the consequences of not following the directive.
A student may face consequences if they use their cell phone or mobile device during non-permitted times. These consequences include surrendering the device for a period of time, contact made to parents or guardians and refusal to surrender the device will include involvement with the school’s principal or vice-principal. This may include measures such as detention, loss of privileges, parent or guardian meetings and ultimately, suspension, in accordance with the Safe and Caring Learning Environments policy and procedure.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Why is the Public Schools Branch implementing rules around cell phones?
The Public Schools Branch has developed procedures for its schools to follow based on the update to the Minister’s Directive, Responsible Use of Communication and Information Technology. This aims to minimize distractions, improve academic focus, and encourage face-to-face interactions among students. Research shows that reducing cell phone use during school hours can lead to better educational outcomes and a more positive school environment.
Does this just include cell phones?
Devices such as portable gaming consoles, MP3 players, iPods, smartwatches, etc. that perform similar functions are included in this directive.
Can a school staff member take a student’s phone?
Students will be expected to follow the expectations of their school regarding when and where cell phones and other devices may be used.
Teachers are responsible for maintaining a classroom environment consistent with expectations and will ask students to comply. That may include asking the student to leave it with their teacher in a storage location.
If a student is not willing to follow directions, the Principal or Vice Principal does have the authority to ask them to surrender their phone until a parent or guardian is contacted. Failure to comply will result in progressive discipline.
What about a student who monitors a health condition using a phone?
Exceptions may be made to address a student’s individual needs.
Can students use their devices to take photos or videos?
While at school or on a school bus, students must not take or send videos or pictures of students, school staff, or visitors with their devices. A supervising teacher must give permission to a student for any occasion that a student wishes to create an audio or video recording for educational purposes.
Will my child be able to use their cell phone during free periods or lunch?
Free periods and lunch are part of the school day. The exception is for students in grades 7-12 who are permitted to use during non-instructional time.
What if a student needs to contact their parent/guardian during school hours?
Students can use the school's office phone to contact their parent or guardian. Additionally, staff will ensure that urgent messages for students are passed along in a timely and private manner.
Are there any exceptions to the policy?
Exceptions may be made for students with documented medical needs or other special circumstances, as approved by the school administration.
My child has anxiety and needs to be able to contact me.
Phone calls can be made from the school office. Allowing a student to text during the day is a distraction to the learning of themselves and others. School staff such as counsellors will be available to support a student when needed.
What are the consequences of repeated violations of the policy?
Repeated violations will result in progressive disciplinary actions.
How will the school ensure compliance with this policy?
School staff will monitor compliance and address any violations in accordance with the established procedures. Clear communication to students and parents will also help ensure adherence.
How does the directive address the educational use of devices?
Teachers may allow the use of cell phones and mobile devices for specific educational activities. These exceptions will be clearly communicated during class.
More Information
- Minister’s Directive: MD 24-06 Responsible Use of Communication and Information Technology
- News Release: PEI’s Department of Education updates cell phone use policy (July 16, 2024)