Whether your child is transferring to a PSB school from out of province or is starting kindergarten, you can register your child for school by contacting your zoned school directly. Talk to the school about a tour and meeting the principal and/or teacher.
Welcome to Kindergarten sessions for new students and parents are organized by schools in the spring before the next school year. Welcome to Kindergarten session dates are posted on the PSB website, as available.
Children who are new to the Canadian school system or speak a language other than English or French at home are eligible for English as an Additional Language (EAL) and French as an Additional Language (FAL) services. All children who meet this criteria will be required to register with the EAL/FAL Reception Centre before contacting a school directly.
Kindergarten Registration
Children must turn five (5) years old by December 31 the year they enter kindergarten. You can wait one year if you think your child isn’t ready to go to kindergarten at the minimum age of entry.
A notice for kindergarten registration is typically posted in November for the next school year.
Is your child starting Kindergarten in September? All thirty-seven PSB schools with Kindergarten organize a Welcome to Kindergarten event for their incoming students and direct families to a wealth of online resources produced by The Learning Partnership.